Things to Know
Using patch is a way of saying no to baldness, even though it’s a permanent hair fixing solution, we must know certain things for better look and getting good life for the hair patch.
Can we take shower after hair patching?

Yes of course, but need to follow certain rules, Need to comb gently forward to remove the knots formed during sleeping, driving bike etc. Use Herbal shampoo, diluted in water. Avoid high pressure shower or falls. Use conditioner for smoothing of patch. Use dryer to dry so that it won’t get harder easily. Take head bath every 3 to 4 days once.
Sweating will be a problem while using hair patch? Will it dry?

The hair patch which we use is net based one, so no need to worry about the sweating problem, even though you sweat stand in front of fan or air conditioners, as the air pass inside the air holes and make it dry. Sweating is a natural process; it cannot stop may be minimise but its differ to person to person. Most important it won’t affect the hair patch at all, if you take regular maintenance.
Hair patching will cause itching? will it affect the scalp?

Hair patching will not cause itching, if you maintain it as per our suggestion like regular head bath, wear helmet during bike driving, use separate comb for your hair etc, if you don’t take regular bath or wear helmet, atmosphere dust which enter in your hair mixed with your sweat cause itching, also if you use comb who have dandruff, it will affect your scalp also and will make you itch. Most important itching will spoil your patch life.
Hair patching cause any side effect to scalp?
What will be the life of hair patch we use?

Hair patching is a technic by which we attaching the patch to the baldness area of the scalp, it is 100% non-surgical and painless process, it will be done by our expertise stylish after examine the hair colour, texture and density of the client. There are three method of patching
1) Hair Bonding
2) Hair Weaving
3) Hair clipping.
The process may vary to person as per the hair texture and density, but as it is non-surgical as well as you no need to take any medicine so its 100% safe without any side effect.
There are different varieties of patch available as per customer need like Mono, Front lace, full lace etc, as per the model, cost of the patch, naturality of the patch and life of the patch varies. main thing which will affect the patch is usage, how we use it after patching.